Mardin: A Photographic Journey through Time, Culture and Ancient Wonders

Embark on a visual journey with Photo Focus Turkey as we invite you to join our captivating photowalk through the ancient landscapes of Mardin. This immersive tour traverses the storied streets of Mardin, the cultural richness of Midyat, the mystical allure of Dara Zaferen, and the echoes of history in the ancient city of Dara. Through your lens, discover the timeless beauty, cultural diversity, and ancient wonders that define Mardin, a city where history and tradition intertwine seamlessly.

Mardin: Where History Meets Horizon

Our photowalk commences in the heart of Mardin, a city that wears its history on every stone. Frame shots that capture the panoramic views of the city from its historic rooftops, showcasing the blend of ancient architecture against the modern horizon. Immerse yourself in the labyrinthine streets of Mardin’s old town, where every alley tells a story of centuries past. Let your camera capture the details of stone-carved houses, ornate doorways, and the intricate patterns that adorn the city’s historic landmarks.

Midyat: A Tapestry of Cultures

Venturing to Midyat, our photowalk delves into a tapestry of cultures and traditions. Frame shots that showcase the unique blend of Syriac and Ottoman influences in the architecture and daily life. Explore the narrow streets lined with artisan shops, capturing the vibrant colors of handmade crafts and the warmth of local hospitality. Let your lens capture the cultural diversity that defines Midyat, a town where ancient traditions coexist with contemporary life in a harmonious blend.

Dayrul Zaferen: Mystical Beauty in Nature’s Embrace

The photowalk unfolds in the mystical landscapes of Dayrul Zaferen, where nature and history embrace in perfect harmony. Frame shots that capture the tranquil beauty of olive groves, rolling hills, and the timeless charm of the countryside. Explore the traditional villages where life unfolds at its own pace, capturing the authenticity of daily routines against the backdrop of nature’s canvas. Let your camera tell the story of Dayrul Zaferen, a place where the simplicity of life coexists with the grandeur of the surrounding landscapes.

Dara Ancient City: Echoes of Empires Past

Our journey through time culminates in the ancient city of Dara, where remnants of empires past echo through the ages. Frame shots that capture the archaeological wonders, including city walls, arches, and ancient structures that stand as silent witnesses to centuries of history. Explore the intricacies of the archaeological site, letting your lens convey the grandeur of a city that once thrived along the Silk Road. Dara Ancient City becomes a photographic narrative of civilizations that have left their indelible mark on Mardin’s timeless landscapes.

Photography Techniques and Tips

Throughout the photowalk, our professional photographers will share insights and tips for mastering architectural, cultural, and landscape photography. Learn to navigate varying light conditions, compose compelling shots against historic landmarks, and capture the nuances of both grand structures and intimate details. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced photographer, this experience will enhance your skills in capturing the unique beauty of Mardin’s ancient wonders.

Practical Information and Booking Details

Ready to explore Mardin through your lens? Check our schedule for upcoming photowalks in this historically rich region. Secure your spot for an immersive experience, and ensure you have comfortable attire, sturdy footwear, and a fully charged camera to join us on this captivating exploration of Mardin’s cultural tapestry and ancient wonders.


Join Photo Focus Turkey for a photowalk through Mardin, where every stone tells a tale, every alley whispers history, and every frame captures the essence of this ancient city. Book your spot today, and let your camera immortalize the timeless beauty, cultural richness, and ancient wonders that define Mardin as a true gem in Turkey’s historical mosaic.


Please contact for price.
The photo walk budget varies depending on the number of people and the arrangements we make on the route.
Price includes photographic guiding only. Please ask for more services e.g. transportation, breakfast etc.

How to register?

Just send an e-mail to

or send a message via WhatsApp : +90 535 358 37 84

We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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